Choosing the Right Topic for Your Webinar

Published on 29 November 2021 at 07:23

Webinars are a powerful way to showcase your expertise, build trust with your audience, and generate leads for your business. But how do you choose the right topic for your webinar? In this article, we will share some tips on choosing the right topic for your webinar and avoiding some common pitfalls.

A good webinar topic should be relevant, engaging, and valuable for your target audience. It should also be specific enough to cover in a limited time frame but broad enough to attract a large number of attendees. 

What’s Exciting to You?

One great way to come up with a topic is to think about what you're most excited about right now. If you're excited to talk about a subject, your enthusiasm will come through in your presentation and your knowledge and expertise will make it valuable to your audience. Be certain that your audience is interested in the topic before proceeding with the webinar. 

Repurpose Old Content

Take a look back over your past content. Identify the most popular topics and consider those or similar topics. Even something as simple as a short blog post could be the starting point for a webinar if you can expand on the topic. By selecting a topic this way, you can repurpose previously published content into your webinar. 

Get Ideas from Competitors

Check out the webinars and other forms of content created by your competitors. The goal is not to duplicate their topic ideas. Rather, taking a look at the competition will show you what's popular and trending right now. You might be able to cover a similar topic while adding your own unique twist to it. Another way you can use competitor information is to create a webinar on a topic no one has covered yet. 

Survey Your Industry

Search for topics that are currently trending in your industry. Look at trade publications and news articles. Listen in on conversations on social media or online discussion forums. You might want to sign up for newsletters where you can find some great ideas. Look for additional sources for up-to-date information. Even better, try to predict topics that will be trending in the coming months. 

Talk to Your Sales and Marketing People

Another great way to get feedback on your ideas is to talk with the sales and marketing people in your organization. What products or services are they currently promoting? Which items do they anticipate will be big sellers in the coming months and why? If you can align your topic with these products or services, you will increase your chances of making sales. 

Go Directly to Your Audience

One of the best ways to generate ideas is to poll your audience. Ask about their areas of interest or what they would like to learn more about. Maintain an open line of communication, and you will always be able to come up with interesting topics that they will love. Once you begin hosting webinars, you can ask for suggestions from participants as part of the exit survey to gather feedback. 



Whatever idea you settle on, test it out by asking some audience members if they have an interest in it or not. Use this feedback to refine your topic or choose something more appropriate. The best case is to offer a webinar that is both relevant to your audience and within your area of expertise.


Thank you for reading!  

Photo: Jodie Cook / Unsplash

Written by Anne Albright

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