Email Marketing: 3 Excellent Ways to Improve Open Rates

Published on 25 June 2021 at 09:06

Email marketing isn't going anywhere. Text messaging, social media, and advancing technologies haven't killed off this powerful marketing tactic. Successful marketers are using email to reach new subscribers, encourage upsells, and reengage customers who have been missing out on new products or services. One metric that really matters to email marketers is the open rate.

Is your email marketing program performing as well as it should or as well as it could? As you look to improve your email marketing efforts and open rates, consider taking these three steps forward. 

1. Subject Lines are Everything. Make Yours Stand Out.

The subject line and introductory paragraph of your email can make all the difference in open rates. If you're offering a discount, limited or exclusive trial, or running a promotion, make sure to include that information in your subject line and/or intro.

Be creative. Focus on fascinating your audience. Whether it's a teaser, a lust-worthy offer, or an interesting question, the subject line, and the introductory paragraph must be attention-grabbing. If you're sending an email based on a trigger (an action taken by the customer that automates an email response), ensure your subject line and introductory paragraph tie directly back to that action so that this email is a fresh, yet easily associated, impression on the customer.

2. Optimize Your Timing.

Segment your database at random. Send one segment the email during the morning, send another segment the email at midday, and send the final segment the email at night. The results will differ from business to business, but this is a great way to start optimizing the timing of your email blasts. Again, a triggered email should be timely (within the hour), so make sure your email automation schedule is on point. 

3. Connect with Personalization.

Your readers want to feel a connection. They don't want to be just another name, email, or face in the crowd. Personalizing emails is an excellent way for your business to increase its open rate.

Include personal touches in your emails to make an immediate connection with your reader. Segment your list separately by social data, such as birthdays and likes, and then include a personal touch. You will then be able to foster the relationship that's already begun. Be cautious of going overboard but keep the conversation friendly and personable. 


Email marketing is a vital component of both B2C and B2B marketing strategies. As your subscribers' inboxes become flooded with messages from other businesses, how do you ensure yours stands out? A great subject line and a touch of personalization within an email sent at the right time are where you can get started ramping up your email marketing efforts and improve your open rates.

Thank you for reading!

Content Pixie / Unsplash

Written by Anne Albright 

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